Wood furniture in the Treviso area

Industrial District

Wood furniture in the Treviso area

The district's companies oversee every stage of the supply chain, from raw materials to finished products: timber, furnishings, components, packaging, fixtures, doors and windows, panels, flooring and semi-finished products.

This profound manufacturing knowledge makes the district an export leader in this sector. The district's furniture is exported worldwide, and in addition to the traditional European markets, the markets of the United States, Canada and China have been robust. Demand from the African market is growing, albeit still in small numbers. The craftsmanship quality and production flexibility combined with the most advanced technological solutions and attention to design are the basis of this success. The 'Wood Furniture District of Treviso', concentrated mainly in the Sinistra Piave area, has thus overcome the crisis and increased its competitiveness, completing a consolidated growth path.

UNINT – Consorzio per le integrazioni fra imprese
Piazza delle Istituzioni, 11
31100 Treviso


Tel. 0422-294249
Fax 0422-294303
Email: info@unint.it