Veneto Green Cluster

Regional Innovative Cluster

Veneto Green Cluster

The cluster was created to aggregate the best excellence in waste utilisation. It involves industrial sectors oriented towards the supply of environmental goods and services (green business) and companies committed to reducing the environmental impact of their production processes and products (green production). This second aspect is associated with a green transition of the economic system as a whole that, through a systemic and holistic approach, aims at keeping the flow of resources circular, conserving, regenerating or increasing their value while contributing to sustainable development. The cluster operates within a strategic reference scenario inspired by the circular economy and bio-economy paradigm.

GREEN TECH ITALY Rete di Imprese
Via dell'Industria 1
Grisignano di Zocco
36040 (VI)

Tel. +39 0444 41 41 25
Fax +39 0444 41 47 93