IMPROVENET – ICT for Smart Manufacturing

Regional Innovative Cluster

IMPROVENET – ICT for Smart Manufacturing

Improvenet cluster aims to increase the penetration of digital technologies in the industrial fabric to enable companies to be more competitive and responsive to the market's needs, enriching processes and instrumental products with ICT-enabled services to ensure maximum efficiency and production quality. The main strategic objectives can be summarised in the realisation of pilot projects through which to quantify the investments required to activate the innovation processes that characterise digital manufacturing and the relative return on investment in the creation of paths for building and enhancing new skills, addressing the issue of operator training, and in the establishment of an entity that represents the Region and its industrial fabric in national and international for a while increasing the global visibility of companies.

Registered office:

Via Torino 151/c, Venezia Mestre - Italia
(c/o Confindustria Veneto SIAV S.p.A.)


Telefono: +39 041 2517511