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News 21 Jun 2024
The European Commission recognises Veneto as a ‘Regional Innovation Valley’.

“This is great news for the Veneto, for the people of Veneto, and for the Region because it concretely recognises the great work that we …

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News 21 May 2024
SPACE MEETINGS VENETO: space technologies and growth strategies for the future of Veneto

The role of the space economy in the strategic growth for the future of Veneto and in the regional ecological transition were the focus of …

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News 17 Apr 2024
Italian Food Design: Food, People, Science and Creativity for Made in Italy

On 23 April 2024 (9.30 a.m. – 1 p.m.), the CL.uster A.grifood N.a.N. is organising in Rome, at the Sala Pininfarina of Confindustria (Viale dell’Astronomia, …

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News 10 Apr 2024
Veneto Regional Government approved the new Energy Plan

“We have presented the new regional energy plan, which outlines the energy guidelines from now until 2030. It is a robust plan that aims to …

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News 18 Mar 2024
Learn how best to export

09 apr 2024
Nuovo appuntamento della Commissione europea per offrire formazione alle imprese su come esportare.

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News 1 Mar 2024
European Project ‘SILEO Eurocluster’ – 2nd Call for Digital Transformation Projects

As part of the European project SILEO (Eurocluster), the second Open Call for Business Digital Trans formation Projects was launched. The SILEO partnership offers financial …

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News 1 Mar 2024
European Project ‘SILEO Eurocluster’ – 1st call for ‘Projects for the Adoption of Advanced Technologies

This new call, launched within the framework of the European project SILEO (Euroclusters), aims at harnessing the latest innovations, advanced technologies, ideas and insights to …

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News 12 Feb 2024
Energy efficiency in the industrial sector

16-29 feb 2024
La Regione del Veneto nell’ambito del progetto PrepAir organzza una serie di incontri su buone pratiche energetiche per le imprese.

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News 6 Feb 2024
Technology & Business Cooperation Days in Hannover

A 2-date hybrid event on innovation and creativity.

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News 1 Feb 2024
Invitation to participate in the Cascade Call for Project Return – Spoke 7

9 feb 2024
Incontro informativo per Organismi di ricerca e imprese interessate a partecipare al Bando a Cascata

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