Cluster Biologico Veneto

Regional Innovative Cluster

Cluster Biologico Veneto

The cluster aims to increase the development and competitiveness of companies in the organic farming sector. The innovative regional cluster, therefore, intends to focus on removing the information and technical barriers that hold back that domain. It also means initiating projects to find economically advantageous solutions to increase productivity and make them compatible with organic regulations (e.g., research on new seeds, fertilisers, phytosanitary and weed management). Therefore, the main expected result is an increase in the number of organic operators in Veneto and the volume of production with organic certification, with the implementation of greater production efficiency and better management of processing and trade flows, and a gradual improvement in the area's environmental sustainability.

Consorzio “Bioinnova Veneto”
Via Torino, 180
30172 Mestre (VE)

Information Desk
c/o Studio 3A SRL
Ms Elisa Noventa
Tel. +93 049 5914270