Sicurezza e protezione nel lavoro e nello sport

Regional Innovative Cluster

Sicurezza e protezione nel lavoro e nello sport

Safety and Protection at Work and in Sport

The cornerstone of the Safety and Protection at Work and in Sport cluster is the care of the individual in various fields, with particular reference to the innovation of protective devices used in the mountains and high-altitude workplaces. The cluster is rooted in traditional regional manufacturing excellence, such as technical footwear and sportswear, proposing a development trajectory that, through the use of ICT technologies, new fibres and new materials, and plasma technologies, aims to realise projects for the development, production and testing of innovative devices for professional and sports use, to protect the issue of personal safety in the various sectors in which it can operate: from safety in mountain environments to safety in the nautical environment and the workplace.

Dolomiticert Scarl

Tel. 0437 573407
