Regional Innovative Clusters

Regional Innovative Clusters

In synergy with the Industrial Districts of Veneto, economic evolution has led to the emergence of business clusters that, due to their nature and objectives, are not anchored to a specific territory: these are the innovative clusters.

A Regional Innovative Cluster is an aggregation of enterprises and public and private entities present in the regional area but not necessarily territorially contiguous, which operate in innovative fields of any sector and are able to develop a set of initiatives and projects relevant to the regional economy, not necessarily limited to a specific production sphere but open to multi-sectors.

The following elements characterise the Innovative Cluster:

  1. Extension over the regional territory (which may also cross-regional and national borders and in which the relational aspect becomes fundamental);
  2. New or innovative entrepreneurship;
  3. New or innovative sectors.

There are 21 Innovative Clusters already recognised by the Council, each located in one of the six areas of specialisation identified by the Veneto Region's Intelligent Specialisation Strategy.

Regional Innovative Clusters

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