Belluno Eyewear

Industrial District

Belluno Eyewear

Most of the production of medium-high-end eyewear is concentrated in the Venetian mountains.

The District's objectives in the field of research and innovation are:

• stimulating and supporting companies in R&I activities;

• support companies in technical and regulatory compliance for international norms;

• organisational upgrading also in view of the industrial digitisation process;

• support for environmental sustainability.

The objectives in the field of internationalisation are

• increase market share and sales through the promotion of the district;

• identification and analysis of potentially competitive markets and support for companies in accessing markets;

• search and selection of qualified foreign operators, consolidation of business relations with buyers in the target markets;

• incoming initiatives to build the loyalty of foreign operators and targeted actions by companies participating in trade fairs, missions or workshops to search for new market opportunities.

Via San Lucano 15
32100 Belluno


Tel. +39 0437 951239
