Aerospace Innovation and Research – AIR

Regional Innovative Cluster

AIR - Aerospace Innovation and Research

The cluster interprets aerospace as a set of opportunities for companies and a driver of innovation for telecommunications, navigation, Earth observation and meteorology. It is suitable for stimulating new paths of technological development, fostering innovative market-oriented applications, and exploiting the wide-ranging possibilities of multisectoral use of the knowledge and solutions generated.

The core of its mission is the transfer of innovative technologies with a high economic and social impact between the aerospace sector and the region's industrial supply chain in cross-sector applications. It aims to bring strong synergy between the two systems with mutual benefits. The companies' significant research and innovation capacity and scientific expertise make aerospace an area for developing technologies and skills that can stimulate emerging industries or new market niches.

Consorzio Aerospaziale e Cosmonautico - Co.Si.Mo.
c/o Confindustria Veneto SIAV
via Torino 151/C
30172 Mestre (VE)
