Asolo and Montebelluna Sportsystem

Industrial District

Asolo and Montebelluna Sportsystem

The District represents worldwide excellence in the sector, thanks to the concentration of flexible, competent, creative companies and the technical and technological experience gained through the collaboration between companies and research centres.

The District will focus its activities in the coming years on three main strands: research and innovation, training and internationalisation.

In the area of training, companies need to train future workers in production departments. In this regard, it will intensify collaborations with the area's technical institutes and entities operating in this specific sector.

On internationalisation, the position of companies is diversified: the large ones, thanks to technology (augmented reality, 3D design), are now considering attendance at trade fairs optional, while the medium-small ones need a prestigious showcase.

UNINT – Consorzio per le integrazioni fra imprese
Piazza delle Istituzioni, 11
31100 Treviso


Tel. 0422-294249
Fax 0422-294303