Italian Food Design: Food, People, Science and Creativity for Made in Italy

On 23 April 2024 (9.30 a.m. – 1 p.m.), the CL.uster A.grifood N.a.N. is organising in Rome, at the Sala Pininfarina of Confindustria (Viale dell’Astronomia, 30), the eventItalian Food Design: food, people, science and creativity for Made in Italy‘, as part of the National Made in Italy Day promoted by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy.

Italian Food Design: food, people, science and creativity for Made in Italy” is the scientific-cultural event that for the first time unites two true excellences of our Made in Italy: food and design. During the event, the world of food science research will meet the world of Italian design to open a dialogue with Italian agrifood companies.

Researchers, designers, food technologists and Italian companies, all with a common denominator “the beautiful, the good and the well-made”, combining nutritional quality, taste, aesthetics, ethics and the ability to ennoble raw materials.


Those interested can apply to attend the event in person by sending an e-mail, by 19 April, to indicating their name and organisation.

Please note that access to the hall is permitted up to the maximum capacity.