Learn how best to export

Access2Markets Live Training Seminar

Online Seminar – 09 April 2024 – 10:00 – 12:00 CET

Language: English with interpretation in Italian, Spanish, Danish, Latvian and Romanian.

The Access2Markets portal allows you to obtain useful information for trade with third countries, e.g. on duties, taxes, procedures, formalities and requirements, rules of origin, export measures, statistics, trade barriers and much more. It also provides access to key information needed for trade in services and for investment and procurement in third countries. It also allows you to learn more about EU trade agreements and how to benefit from them and to read testimonials from companies that use them. Access2Markets aims to help businesses with import and export activities.

The Enterprise Europe Network promotes this Training organised by DG TRADE, European Commission for companies and professionals operating, or interested in operating, in international markets.

Registration is free of charge and will be possible until 5 p.m. on 5 April 2024
