Invitation to participate in the Cascade Call for Project Return – Spoke 7

Venetian Cluster as promoter of the project “Return” – Multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate informs about open opportunities and provides support to interested companies as a “first point of contact”.

The Return project is an extended partnership that aims to strengthen research chains on environmental, natural and man-made risks at national level, promoting participation in strategic European and global value chains. Through the enhancement of the knowledge base and the application of technology, the project contributes to the strengthening of key competencies, technology and knowledge transfer, and Italian governance in disaster risk management, involving public administrations, stakeholders and private companies.

The first cascade call addressed to enterprises concerns Spoke 7 – TS3: ‘Communities’ resilience to risks: social, economic, legal and cultural dimensions’ of the University of Florence.

The Cascade Call for Proposals is addressed to Research Organisations (RCOs), Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Large Enterprises (SMEs) outside the Return Partnership, interested in participating in a collaborative manner.


  1. Public and private research organisations (RCOs), working with at least one RCO as lead partner.
  2. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), collaborating with at least one RB as lead partner.
  3. Large Enterprises (GI), collaborating with at least one MPMI and one RB as Lead Partner.

Deadline: 22 February 2024, 12 noon

Budget: Total budget: EUR 1,100,000.00, distributed according to the following themes:

  1. Platforms for risk management and communication
  2. Analysis of geo-historical data and future trends to understand the impact of disasters on communities
  3. Systems for multi-risk management of cultural heritage and community involvement
  4. Legal, ethical and economic aspects of institutional and community involvement processes
  5. Behavioural economics workshop

Of which:

660,000 € for State Universities and Public Research Institutions supervised by the MUR, located in the Regions of Northern/Central Italy;

440,000 € for State Universities and Public Research Institutions supervised by the MUR, located in the Regions of Southern Italy;

For further details and to submit your application, please consult the link to the Call for Proposals available on the University of Florence website: Bando a Cascata.

Those who are interested are invited to attend an information meeting organised by Venetian Cluster online that will be held on 9 February 2023 at 3:30 p.m. on the Google Meet platform to which you can register through the following link