Innovative – portale dell’innovazione innoveneto

Discover the innovatiVE Veneto

The innovation ecosystem


The European Commission recognises Veneto as a ‘Regional Innovation Valley’.

“This is great news for the Veneto, for the people of Veneto, and for the Region because it concretely recognises the great work that we …

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SPACE MEETINGS VENETO: space technologies and growth strategies for the future of Veneto

The role of the space economy in the strategic growth for the future of Veneto and in the regional ecological transition were the focus of …

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Italian Food Design: Food, People, Science and Creativity for Made in Italy

On 23 April 2024 (9.30 a.m. – 1 p.m.), the CL.uster A.grifood N.a.N. is organising in Rome, at the Sala Pininfarina of Confindustria (Viale dell’Astronomia, …

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Veneto Innovazione promotes the Veneto economic system in all its sectors: agriculture, manufacturing, services, commerce and infrastructure. It coordinates the organization of initiatives for the internationalization of the business system, encouraging synergies.